Carian mengenai topik stable government

Dapatkan berita terkini mengenai stable government dari Astro Awani

PBRS to abide by BN decision in the interest of a stable government - Arthur

PBRS to abide by BN decision in the interest of a stable government - Arthur

PBRS will abide by whatever decision by BN in the interest of forming a stable government, said deputy president Datuk Arthur Joseph Kurup.
Thu Nov 24 2022
Appointment of 10th PM: GPS leaves it to King's wisdom

Appointment of 10th PM: GPS leaves it to King's wisdom

GPS said the interests of the country and the establishment of a stable government should be above personal interests.
Tue Nov 22 2022
BN willing to be bridge between Peninsula, Sabah and Sarawak - Ahmad Zahid

BN willing to be bridge between Peninsula, Sabah and Sarawak - Ahmad Zahid

Ahmad Zahid said BN would remain committed to contributing to the country, especially in ensuring that a stable government can be formed.
Sat Nov 19 2022
Malaysia's ruling coalition says it accepts election results

Malaysia's ruling coalition says it accepts election results

The coalition said in a statement Barisan Nasional remains committed to contributing to the formation of a stable government.
Sat Nov 19 2022
GE15: Choose stable government, avoid hung parliament

GE15: Choose stable government, avoid hung parliament

Any cooperation with other parties in the formation of a govt would have to be discussed by the party leadership, Ismail Sabri said.
Sat Nov 19 2022
Stable government needed to expedite Sabah Pan Borneo highway project

Stable government needed to expedite Sabah Pan Borneo highway project

The construction of the Pan Borneo Highway is a major development project that will benefit the people of Sabah who have long yearned for better road infrastructure.
Fri Nov 18 2022
GE15: Use Johor polls as example, vote in a stable gov't - Hasni

GE15: Use Johor polls as example, vote in a stable gov't - Hasni

Johor BN chairman Hasni Mohammad urged voters to take the state election held in March as an example and vote for a stable government in GE15.
Thu Nov 17 2022
Reezal eyes big win for BN to form more stable government

Reezal eyes big win for BN to form more stable government

BN candidate Reezal Merican Naina Merican who will be defending Kepala Batas said his priority is to win by a bigger margin to ensure BN form a more stable government.
Tue Nov 15 2022
Tough challenges await new govt next year - Annuar Musa

Tough challenges await new govt next year - Annuar Musa

Annuar Musa has said that 2023 is not an 'ordinary' year as it will be full of great challenges, hence a truly stable government is needed.
Fri Nov 11 2022
GPS denies pact with BN

GPS denies pact with BN

Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) today dismissed reports that an agreement has been reached for it to support BN in forming a stable government after the GE15.
Tue Nov 08 2022
GE15: PN puts forward offers to form caring, clean, stable government

GE15: PN puts forward offers to form caring, clean, stable government

Perikatan Nasional (PN) today put forward its offers for the GE15 that include focusing on boosting the economy through a RM5 billion Special Investment Promotion Fund.
Sun Nov 06 2022
Strong govt can prevent turmoil in administration - PM

Strong govt can prevent turmoil in administration - PM

Only a strong and stable government can prevent turmoil in an administration and allow it to focus on key tasks like reviving the economy, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.
Sat Oct 29 2022
Choose wisely for a stable government - Annuar

Choose wisely for a stable government - Annuar

The general election is not a place to experiment, instead, each decision must be made wisely so that a stable government can be formed.
Fri Oct 21 2022
GE15: Stop sabotage; ensure BN's victory - PM Ismail Sabri

GE15: Stop sabotage; ensure BN's victory - PM Ismail Sabri

Acts of sabotage or 'cah keting' must be stopped to ensure BN's victory in the GE15 to form a stable government, stressed Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.
Sun Oct 16 2022
UMNO must win big in GE15 to form stable govt - Tok Mat

UMNO must win big in GE15 to form stable govt - Tok Mat

UMNO must win GE15 with a huge majority in order to form a stable government that will not depend on the mercy of others, its deputy president Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan said.
Wed Mar 16 2022
Wanita maut tercampak keluar dari kereta, suami cedera

Wanita maut tercampak keluar dari kereta, suami cedera

Seorang wanita meninggal selepas kereta suaminya terbabas di Kilometer 27, Jalan Pan Borneo; cuaca hujan menjadi faktor dalam kemalangan tersebut.
Mon Jun 03 2024
Mexico pilih Claudia Sheinbaum sebagai Presiden wanita pertama

Mexico pilih Claudia Sheinbaum sebagai Presiden wanita pertama

Sheinbaum akan menggantikan mentornya, Presiden Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador pada 1 Oktober depan.
Mon Jun 03 2024
Israel sahkan kematian empat tebusan di Gaza

Israel sahkan kematian empat tebusan di Gaza

Kesemua mereka terkorban ketika operasi kententeraan Israel di Khan Younis di selatan Gaza dan mayat mereka masih ditahan Hamas.
Mon Jun 03 2024
Isteri Wan Saiful kritikal hidap kanser usus tahap empat

Isteri Wan Saiful kritikal hidap kanser usus tahap empat

Keadaan isterinya kini kritikal kerana kanser telah merebak ke beberapa organ yang lain.
Mon Jun 03 2024
Orang ramai diminta waspada, jangan muat turun sebarang APK

Orang ramai diminta waspada, jangan muat turun sebarang APK

Hal ini kerana penggodaman telefon pintar ialah modus operandi yang sering digunakan penjenayah untuk tujuan mencuri data dan mengakses maklumat kewangan.
Mon Jun 03 2024
Gua Musang bakal jadi pusat ekonomi Kelantan

Gua Musang bakal jadi pusat ekonomi Kelantan

Gua Musang bakal dijadikan antara daerah pusat ekonomi negeri Kelantan susulan kedudukannya yang strategik dan dapat menghubungkan negeri ini dengan Kuala Lumpur, Perak dan Terengganu.
Mon Jun 03 2024
Pembaharuan cukai Malaysia bantu pacu inovasi, teknologi maju - BMI

Pembaharuan cukai Malaysia bantu pacu inovasi, teknologi maju - BMI

Pembaharuan cukai menyeluruh itu bertujuan merangsang industri tempatan dan menyalurkan pelaburan ke dalam sektor utama, termasuk pembuatan maju.
Mon Jun 03 2024
IATA naikkan unjuran untung bersih syarikat penerbangan cecah AS$30.5 bilion

IATA naikkan unjuran untung bersih syarikat penerbangan cecah AS$30.5 bilion

IATA berkata sektor Amerika Utara terus menjadi penyumbang utama terhadap keuntungan industri penerbangan, didorong oleh beberapa faktor.
Mon Jun 03 2024
Kesuma teroka kepakaran, teknologi dan kemahiran Jepun pertingkat keupayaan Perkeso

Kesuma teroka kepakaran, teknologi dan kemahiran Jepun pertingkat keupayaan Perkeso

Kerjasama menerusi Perkeso dengan pelopor teknologi moden pemulihan anggota berpangkalan di Tsukuba, Cyberdyne Inc, memberi nilai tambah.
Mon Jun 03 2024
Penggiat semikonduktor sedia manfaatkan NSS bagi pertingkat kedudukan

Penggiat semikonduktor sedia manfaatkan NSS bagi pertingkat kedudukan

Wong berkata NSS meningkatkan lagi rantaian nilai negara di peringkat global dan memacu teknologi pembungkusan, peralatan dan automasi maju.
Mon Jun 03 2024